Saturday, September 26, 2009

St Jean pied de port glimpses

St James Gate at the entrance to the Citadel and the old town.


  1. Hello and hugs to you both. I think you are amazing; and what a wonderful time you are both seem to be having - not just the walk but meeting people along the way and sharing the experience. Keep safe and I hope your feet don't hurt too much. Love Marg & Rob - Bill said he would like to come on a walk with you next time.

  2. Hi Bet & Jim, Looks like you are having a fun time, glad to see Betty carrying her pack. Looks like you are experiencing a bit of Melbourne weather?? The Storm thrashed the Bronco's Jim 40 to 6 with 4 min to play. Sorry Jim. The cats just got up to beat St kilda sorry Bet. Keep walking take care Love Jean & Rob

  3. Thanks for the comments all

    The blog thing is OK but it is really good to know that you are thinking of us.
    That means a lot.
    We are going OK so far and just taking it as it comes.
    I hope this blog doesn´t become like just a series of postcards with look at what we are doing now.
    We are having fun sometimes with a small f but it is still early days and i might just blog a little less so as not to be too tiresome with all the details.

    Hope all are well there.
    jim and Betty
