Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 3 Packing it to Zubiri Day

After the pilgrim blessing at Roncevalles we thought that this might be good for the trip.

"Many ups and downs" we were told and there were more ups then downs.

Made good progress at the start with the pacls. Cold weather but quite beautiful.

An Irishman in a kilt passed us " not good for midges" he said and then when he said " you look like you have irish background" I was a new friend when I said yes.

We have been walking with some Canberrians of our vintage and that has been good. There is a group of Canadian women also that we have met who have the same bag carriers. We were also hailed by some Aussies who saw our flag emblem Tasmanians .. they were really fit.
We struggled into Zubiri and after a hot shower thwe world looked better. Not such a fun day but everyone was hurting from the hills.
Pampona tomorrow

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